News & Updates
MOU between Hong Ngoc General Hospital and the Asia Pacific Anti-Aging Society
- NameWeb Admin
- Date2023-08-04 13:57:50
- Inquiry204
A Memorandum of Understanding was made and entered into by and between Hong Ngoc General Hospital and the Asia Pacific Anti-Aging Society.
The purpose of this MOU is to provide a framework for a continuing liaison between both parties. Through a continued cooperation leading to mutual sharing of knowledge and expertise to the advantage of both countries, the liaison between both parties will be achieved by maintaining and increasing academic and educational opportunities as well as generating new business opportunities in the field of medicine.

No. | Title | Name | Date | Inquiry |
5 | The Registration is open 2020.10.05 | admin | 2020.10.05 | 197 |
4 | The 5th Steering Committee meeting 2020.09.15 | admin | 2020.09.15 | 215 |
3 | The 4th Steering Committee meeting 2020.08.14 | admin | 2020.08.14 | 165 |
2 | The 3rd Steering Committee meeting 2020.06.12 | admin | 2020.06.12 | 199 |
1 | The 1st & 2nd Steering Committee meeting 2020.06.12 | admin | 2020.06.12 | 192 |