News & Updates
2024 APAAC Program Schedule
- NameWeb Admin
- Date2024-09-25 10:36:49
- Inquiry187
- Attachapaac 올해의 프로그램표!.png
Here is this year's program schedule. we are looking forward your participation!
No. | Title | Name | Date | Inquiry |
5 | The Registration is open 2020.10.05 | admin | 2020.10.05 | 197 |
4 | The 5th Steering Committee meeting 2020.09.15 | admin | 2020.09.15 | 215 |
3 | The 4th Steering Committee meeting 2020.08.14 | admin | 2020.08.14 | 165 |
2 | The 3rd Steering Committee meeting 2020.06.12 | admin | 2020.06.12 | 199 |
1 | The 1st & 2nd Steering Committee meeting 2020.06.12 | admin | 2020.06.12 | 192 |